Proper Feeding For New Borns
Man Feeding Son

Proper Feeding For New Borns

One of the most important responsibilities of new parents is ensuring that their newborns are getting proper nutrition. Proper feeding is crucial for newborns, as it helps them grow, develop and stay healthy. However, for new parents, feeding a newborn can be a daunting task, as they are still learning the ropes of caring for a new baby. In this article, we will provide a guide to proper feeding for newborns to help new parents navigate this important responsibility.


Breastfeeding is the most recommended way to feed a newborn. Breast milk is the perfect food for newborns as it provides all the necessary nutrients for growth and development. It contains antibodies that help protect the baby from infections and diseases. Breast milk is also easily digestible, which is important for a newborn’s delicate digestive system.

For new mothers, it is important to start breastfeeding as soon as possible after delivery, ideally within the first hour. This helps the baby receive colostrum, the first milk produced, which is high in antibodies and helps build the baby’s immune system.

Breastfeeding should be done on demand, meaning whenever the baby shows signs of hunger, which can be as often as every two hours. This is important to ensure that the baby is getting enough milk and to help establish a good milk supply for the mother.

Formula Feeding

For mothers who are unable to breastfeed, or choose not to, formula feeding is the alternative. Formula is a manufactured food that is designed to provide the necessary nutrients for a newborn’s growth and development.

There are different types of formula available, including cow’s milk-based, soy-based, and hydrolyzed protein formula. It is important to choose the formula that is most suitable for the baby’s needs, which can be determined by a pediatrician.

Formula feeding should also be done on demand, with feeding intervals similar to those of breastfeeding. It is important to follow the instructions on the formula package for mixing and preparing the formula to ensure that the baby is getting the right amount of nutrients.


Whether breastfed or formula-fed, newborns need to be burped after feeding to help release any trapped air in their stomachs. This can help prevent discomfort, gas, and colic.

To burp a newborn, hold them upright with their head on your shoulder or chest and gently pat their back. If the baby does not burp after a few minutes, try again later.

Feeding Cues

Newborns have different feeding cues that signal when they are hungry or full. These cues can include sucking on their fists or fingers, smacking their lips, or rooting around. It is important for new parents to learn these cues to ensure that their baby is getting enough food.

On the other hand, if the baby turns away from the breast or bottle, falls asleep during feeding, or becomes fussy or irritable, it may be a sign that they are full or have had enough to eat.

In conclusion, proper feeding for newborns is a crucial aspect of their care, as it helps them grow, develop and stay healthy. Breastfeeding is the most recommended way to feed a newborn, but formula feeding is also a viable alternative. Whether breastfeeding or formula-feeding, newborns should be fed on demand, and parents should learn to recognize their baby’s feeding cues. Newborns should also be burped after feeding to release any trapped air in their stomachs. By following these guidelines, new parents can ensure that their newborns are getting the proper nutrition they need for a healthy start to life.


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